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Student to Courageous Coach: Taking Action for Success

Dec 23, 2023

Want to know what separates wanna-be coaches from those who are making a living doing it?


Read on…


I see so many aspiring coaches eager to complete certification so they can finally dive into doing the real work of helping people. 


But sadly so many coaches remain in the wanna-be stage. 


Even coaches who complete a certification program struggle to make a dollar from their new skills. 


The difference between the wannabe and the paid coach is what they focus on.


90% of new and aspiring coaches overemphasize learning. 


They remain in student mode and never cross over to actually doing the work of coaching real people.


  • Whether it is learning additional coaching modalities (because they worry what they know now isn’t enough)
  • Learning how to grow a following on social media (because that’s the only way they know how to market their services)
  • Learning how to design courses and freebies for the potential dream clients (because that’s what the gurus they follow have)


When they are busy learning they aren’t doing the thing they set out to…coach people!


All this learning makes them feel productive and like they are making progress, but in reality they are on a treadmill. Not really going anywhere and no closer to a paying client.


Coaches follow this method of continuous learning because they falsely believe that the learning will bring confidence to finally ask to be paid- but that’s not correct.


Asking someone to pay you for your services comes from believing what you have is valuable and from valuing yourself. 


And these two things don’t happen because you’ve acquired enough knowledge, they come because you have the courage to ask for it and trust you will do all you can to deliver.


You don’t need more education, you need more COURAGE


  • Courage is what gets you out from behind a screen consuming content and gets you to create it. 
  • It’s what gets you to step out of the classroom and into networking events where you’ll introduce yourself as a coach and offer to help someone. 
  • Courage is what leads you to continue to make offers, even after you’ve heard “no” several times, because you still believe you can help others.


That courage is what leads to the first and twentieth client who says YES to working with you. 


That’s why I teach my clients to get out of student mode and move into coach mode. This leads to doing work they love and being paid for it.


It’s how Sarah and Kara were able to snag paying coaching clients before completing their ACC certifications.


And how Jessica was able to create a profitable coaching business, raise her prices three times, and be hired by a prominent influencer in her niche with just the coaching tools I taught her and helped her hone by working with REAL CLIENTS. 


After helping tons of clients become paid coaches it’s time I shared what makes my process different from popular certification programs.


I certify my clients after they sign a paying client.


Learning the skill of coaching isn’t good enough when your goal is to build a career as a coach (whether part-time or full-time, money has to be part of the equation).


I teach actionable strategies that move you towards growing your courage and your business. 


I help you create a safe container to practice the skill of coaching, marketing, and pitching your services and expand the level of courage required incrementally so it’s never overwhelming.


And we focus on the specific skills you need to grow your belief as a coach (getting client results, talking about your services, and getting people to sign up).


We’re not waiting 6 months until all the learning is done to then work on the business skills needed. It’s happening in tandem. 


You learn while you earn.


In my 6 month Coach Mentorship Program I help new and aspiring coaches successfully transition from learning to earning as coaches. 


No more theory, we are doing real coaching work and charging for the transformations we provide.  


We work on strengthening your coaching skills, courage to take action, and your ability to deliver results to your clients. And we’re doing this without needing to become a social media influencer in the process. 


I’m teaching you the most direct way to become a paid coach - courageous action.


Shoot me an email with the words “courageous coach” at [email protected] and we’ll set up a time to chat to see if it's a fit. 


Via a one-hour Zoom call we’ll dive deep into where you are in the coaching journey and what three keys will help you move towards becoming a paid coach that delivers IMPACT to their clients. 


Spaces for January’s cohort are limited so RSVP now here.


We also have a 1:1 program model available for a more personalized experience. Learn more here.


So go ahead and email me at [email protected] as we are enrolling coaches who are ready to move out of student mode and want to become courageous coaches. 



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